MILO BIANCA was born in Treviso in 1934 , where he spent his youth and began his artistic training by attending Giulio Ettore Erler’s, Carlo De Roberto’s and Toni Benetton’s workshops.
In Treviso he also took part in his first collective exhibition at the Galleria del Libraio, at the Palazzo dei Trecento and at the Italia-Urss venue.
At first he was influenced by the local painting of the early 1900s such as the Burano school, Springolo, Ravenna. Later on he was impressed by other movements (Fauvism and Nordic Expressionism), and slowly moved from pure figuration to materic painting.
In the mid-nineties, traditional subjects, still detectable in his works, give way to a depiction of feelings and sensations: he definitely gets to a “neo-informal” painting.
The listening of Olivier Messiaen’s Le catalogue d’oiseaux had a catalyzing effect on his artistic production. Since then his works have turned to what the music of the 1900s and contemporary have been communicating to him, with special attention to musicians such as Olivier Messiaen, Anton Webern, Antonio Casella, Sofia Gubaidulina, Pierre Boulez, Gyorgy Ligeti, John Cage and Giusto Pio. Indeed he has dedicated a large production of paintings and engravings to Messiaen and Boulez.
Milo Bianca has never ceased to try out new techniques using recycled and industrial materials. Since 2001 he has attended the International Graphic Art Centre “Atelier Aperto” in Venezia, with Elio Brombo, Sheryl Kerrigan and Nicola Sene. Since then he has implemented a production of graphic works, using classical and experimental techniques.
He has also collaborated with living musicians. His partnership with Giusto Pio has resulted in a graphic interpretation of the musician’s works, as well as in illustrations of Giusto Pio’s multimedia musical compositions, also published on a DVD. As to his collaboration with Matteo Segafreddo, Milo Bianca has produced illustrations of his instrumental and electronic compositions.
Milo Bianca has always maintained contact with the public with one-man and collective exhibitions and international events in Italy and abroad, winning prizes and awards.
In the 1997 he won the prize Humanitas, (“...for his contribution to Italian culture…”) and he was invited to join the“Accademia dei 500” in Rome. He is a member of the international engravers club: “Atelier aperto”, and of “Il sogno di Polifilo”and “Associazione artisti Trevigiani”.
Many Italian and foreign reviewers have written about his artistic works such as: Roberta Alessandrini, Augustin Alvarez, Roberta Avallone, Carlos Benjumeda, Raffaella Bonora, Antonio Chiades, Orfango Campigli, Tiziano Cautero, Flavia Casagranda, Gianni Dazi, Enzo Dimartino, Antonio Faccio, Lucia Ferraguti, Giulio Gasparotti, Rosanna Ghedini, Vittoria Magno, Maria Malì, Gabriella Niero, Giorgio Pilla, Paolo Rizzi, Andrea Savio, Nicola Sene, Ruggero Sicurelli, Ottorino Stefani, Hannelore Schwaiger, Paolo Tieto, Alberto Trivillin, Roberto Tropeani and Natale Zaccuri.
His works are shown in the “Biblioteca del collezionismo d’arte” published by “La Fenice 2000”, in the catalogue “Arte contemporanea italiana 1945 –1995” and in “Arte contemporanea italiana 1996-1997” and “Arte contemporanea 1997-1998”, published by De Agostini, as well as in the “ Cataloghi dell’arte moderna n°45 e n° 46” Giorgio Mondadori publisher, 2010 and 2011. Further he is present in the historical text “Arte Triveneta, dal barocco alle ultime ricerche del duemila” edited by Ottorino Stefani, Ghelfi art publisher, as well as in many other catalogues and monographs.
Works of his are included in “artist’s books” in the collections of International Gallery of Modern Art in Ca’ Pesaro and of the Marciana National Library.
Milo Bianca lives and has his workshop in Fonte (TV) via San Nicolò n° 15, Tel. 0423 949118